AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 0 / HP 100 R _ EN 13445-4 (en)
CERTIFICATE TÜV SÜD-MUC-DG-3305717.2017.004, Valid until March 1, 2026.
Our products and manufacturing halls are certified from different international agencies. You can download these certificates here.
CERTIFICATE TÜV SÜD-MUC-DG-3305717.2017.004, Valid until March 1, 2026.
CERTIFICATE TÜV SÜD-MUC-DG-3305717.2017.005. Valid until March 1, 2026.
CERTIFICATE TÜV SÜD-MUC-WD-3305716.2017.004. Valid until April 01, 2026.
CERTIFICATE TÜV SÜD-MUC-WD-3305716.2017.005. Valid until April 1, 2026.
KTA 1401 and AVS D 100/50 (certification of design and construction, manufacturing and service of mechanical seals and supply systems for german nuclear power plants)